I've had a couple of busy, yarn infused days.
I took my youngest back to school in Indiana yesterday for winter term. After dropping him off, I went over to YTC Wool and Ewe in nearby Cloverdale, where a lovely woman named Yvonne--and her adorable daughter Adie, helped me out. YTC is a local yarn producer, with handspun and roving galore. I got some handspun, and invested in my first drop spindle and handful of roving. Yvonne made it look easy, but I don't know. I drove to Terre Haute and checked into a hotel and messed with the roving a bit, but I didn't know what I was doing. I'll get it eventually.
I stayed over even though it is just a 3-hour drive, because I had plans for today. First I went to RiverWools in Terre Haute, which is a nice little store. I bought a skein of bamboo yarn because I just want to try it. Now I can't find it. ( It was under my other stuff---it's Southwest Trading Company Bamboo in the Butter colorway. I think it will be a spring/summer scarf)
At the urging of my husband, who was back in St. Louis, I went to Champaign, Illinois. He wanted to stock up on Papa Del's Pizza, which is the best pizza anywhere. I did that, but not until I had visted Needleworks, a fantastic yarn shop just down the street. It's really something. I bought Shannon Okey's book, Spin to Knit, and a few odds and ends.
Then, instead of coming home, I went to Springfield, where I went to the new Abraham Lincoln Museum & Library. I'm a big fan of Abe's and a big fan of Presidential sites in general and this one is well-done. It made me wish my kids were younger, because it employed a lot of special effects that kids would really enjoy, like holograms and explosions with actual reverberations and smoke. I didn't even get to the Library, since it was after 5.
Quite a day. Lots of fun.